
How to successfully nearshore core insurance processes to Turkey.

In this webinar you can learn how to successfully outsource even complex insurance processes, while maintaining highest standards of quality. Gönül Tula, Client Manager at ETB Group, shares valuable insights from leading a 100+ person team in Istanbul and beyond, covering operational, sales and claims tasks for German insurance companies. In great detail Gönül explains the main steps of a successful outsourcing project and partnership, and she discusses at length how she and her team meet its insurance customers’ needs in terms of efficiency and customer excellence.

This webinar is essential for all (insurance) companies looking to scale their insurance operations and to optimize their nearshoring activities. Don’t miss out — watch the webinar now and learn how ETB’s approach can help you and your organization by successfully transition core activities to Turkey.


Gönül Tula

Client Manager

Christoffel Lohmann

Vertriebspartner Deutschland

ETB Webinar: Nearshoring van Administratieve Taken – Bereik Succes

Ontdek hoe nearshoring van administratieve taken uw bedrijf kan transformeren! Bekijk ons webinar met Hakan en Christopher terwijl ze inzichten delen over de voordelen, uitdagingen en best practices van nearshoring. Leer hoe ETB hoogwaardige service levert met een team van professionals met ervaring uit Duitsland, Oostenrijk en Zwitserland.

Verkrijg waardevolle kennis over het selecteren en trainen van medewerkers. Grijp deze kans om de efficiëntie en flexibiliteit van uw organisatie te verbeteren. Bekijk nu hoe ETB u kan ondersteunen bij het optimaal benutten van nearshoring voor administratief succes.


Hakan Yağcı

Operation Manager

Christoffel Lohmann

Vertriebspartner Deutschland