Exklusives Interview: Unser CEO teilt Einblicke und beantwortet die interessantesten Fragen von CustomerFirst in unserem neuesten Blog!

Bist du im letzten Jahr gewachsen?
Im vergangenen Jahr haben wir eine Umsatzsteigerung von ĂŒber 25% erzielt. In diesem Jahr prognostizieren wir einen Umsatz von etwa 45 Millionen. Das ist eines der grĂ¶ĂŸten Wachstumsergebnisse, die wir in den letzten fĂŒnf Jahren erlebt haben. Es stimmt, dass nicht unser gesamter Umsatz aus den Niederlanden stammt. Unsere niederlĂ€ndische Niederlassung beschĂ€ftigt rund 50 Mitarbeiter, wĂ€hrend wir weltweit 1.700 Mitarbeiter haben, hauptsĂ€chlich in der TĂŒrkei und Suriname. Das ist kein Geheimnis. TatsĂ€chlich liegt unsere StĂ€rke in dieser internationalen Struktur. Wir generieren Einnahmen, indem wir Offshore-KapazitĂ€ten effektiv nutzen, was fĂŒr unsere Kunden einen erheblichen Mehrwert bietet.

Glauben Sie, dass dieses Wachstumstempo nachhaltig ist?
Es ist schwer vorherzusagen. Automatisierung und KI werden den Markt in den kommenden Jahren beeinflussen, aber wir erwarten, weniger betroffen zu sein als andere, da wir auch mehr AktivitĂ€ten in der „Lieferkette“ des Kundenkontakts ausfĂŒhren. Diese AktivitĂ€ten umfassen typischerweise Interaktionen, bei denen menschlicher Kontakt erheblichen Mehrwert bietet und weniger wahrscheinlich vollstĂ€ndig durch KI automatisiert werden. Mit ĂŒber 1.700 Mitarbeitern haben wir jetzt eine stĂ€rkere Grundlage, die es uns ermöglicht, flexibel auf VerĂ€nderungen zu reagieren. Allerdings ist Umsatzwachstum fĂŒr uns kein Endziel. Es geht darum, strategisch zu bleiben und unseren Kurs beizubehalten.
With over 1,700 employees, we now have a stronger foundation that allows us to adapt flexibly to changes. However, revenue growth is not an end goal for us. It’s about staying strategic and maintaining our course.

Macht dieser Ansatz euch weniger anfÀllig?
Unser Fokus liegt darauf, unser Angebot neu zu positionieren, sodass wir weniger von Markttrends und Preisdruck abhĂ€ngig sind. Es ist essenziell, eine unverwechselbare Strategie zu haben und diese konsequent zu verfolgen. Unsere PrioritĂ€t liegt auf dem, was wir tun, und darauf, wie wir unseren Kunden Mehrwert bieten. Obwohl wir uns bemĂŒhen, Ausschreibungen zu gewinnen, liegt unser Hauptaugenmerk auf unserer Geschichte und Vision. In diesen Zeiten ist es entscheidend, sowohl in Bezug auf GrĂ¶ĂŸe als auch Strategie eine solide Grundlage zu haben. Wir sehen, wie große Akteure noch grĂ¶ĂŸer werden, aber auch Unternehmen durch Übernahmen verschwinden. FĂŒr uns geht es darum, eine robuste Struktur mit klarer Vision und Ausrichtung aufzubauen, um zukĂŒnftige WiderstandsfĂ€higkeit zu gewĂ€hrleisten.
In these times, it’s crucial to have a solid foundation in terms of both scale and strategy. We see large players becoming even larger, but also companies disappearing due to acquisitions. For us, it’s about building a robust structure with clear vision and direction, ensuring future resilience.

Wie wÀhlt ihr Ausschreibungen aus, die ihr verfolgen möchtet?
Wir nehmen nur an Ausschreibungen teil, die eng mit unserer Strategie ĂŒbereinstimmen. Es geht nicht um Volumen oder GrĂ¶ĂŸe, sondern darum, Mehrwert zu schaffen.

Also qualitative Wachstum statt quantitativen?
Exactly. For example, if AI takes over 25% of our volume in the future, we could have +300 skilled employees available to focus on other areas of customer contact where more value is created. This enhances both our service level and profitability. For us, it’s about sustainability and higher added value, not just growth for growth’s sake.

Your strategy with the German insurance sector is promising. Will it be further expanded?
Absolutely. We initially worked with one German insurer, HDI, handling back-office activities such as software testing, policy reviews, and updates. In just the past six months, we’ve added five more insurers to our portfolio. This confirms that our strategy is working.
In addition to existing activities like customer contact and software testing, we now manage claims processing and support intermediaries in offering insurance packages. We’ve also expanded our services to include financial administration, such as bookkeeping, invoice processing, and even preparing annual reports for accounting firms in Germany. While we are not accountants ourselves, we deliver 95% of the annual work. This is an extension of our customer contact services.

You’re looking beyond traditional customer contact

A significant trend is the decrease in traditional customer contact volumes due to AI. Estimates suggest a reduction of 30% to 60%, depending on the research. While the exact decrease varies, it’s clear that it will decline. That’s why we focus on adding value in the customer journey.
There will always be situations where human contact is essential, such as in healthcare or complex insurance issues. We aim to differentiate by offering omnichannel solutions and focusing on processes that are not easily automated.
This involves training our current employees to take on tasks that add more value and are less susceptible to automation. Additionally, in 2025, we are considering a strategic acquisition to strengthen our position further, focusing on unique value in customer contact rather than more of the same.
The goal is to expand our expertise in customer contact into processes where human input remains indispensable. This approach also offers career paths for our employees, enabling them to use their expertise at a higher level. For our clients, this means we can provide more within existing relationships, creating new opportunities to deepen and strengthen collaborations.

How does this deliberate focus reflect in your organization?
We have a standalone corporate structure without complex shareholder arrangements or private equity involvement. With four shareholders owning 100% of the shares and no external debt, we have the flexibility to make strategic decisions without external pressure.

You’re currently in Suriname. What brings you there?
I’m here for a client visit. The client will be here for a few days, but I’ll stay longer to combine it with annual planning sessions, a team outing with the entire staff, and work on defined NGO initiatives.

How is the operation in Suriname progressing?
Very well. Initially, we considered potential acquisition candidates but ultimately decided to start from scratch with a greenfield operation. We selected, renovated, and equipped a building from the ground up, even while already having a client onboard.

How large is the operation now?
We currently have about 100 employees. We chose not to grow faster because we are new to the market and wanted to focus on establishing a solid foundation first.

What is the growth target?
Our ambition is to grow to around 300 employees by the end of next year. While we could have grown faster, it was crucial to focus on quality first: strong management, well-functioning facilities, and reliable processes. For many companies, growing from zero to 100 employees in a year is already significant. We deliberately slowed down to ensure quality.

What about the demand for offshoring and nearshoring? Are you seeing an increase?
Offshoring has always been a significant part of our strategy. Compared to other top-10 contact centers in the Netherlands, our focus is almost entirely on offshore. Over 90% of our revenue comes from offshore activities, which is a key reason clients choose to work with us.

How do you view AI?
AI is undoubtedly important, and we’re closely monitoring developments. While the technology is still evolving, we focus on applying solutions that add immediate value to our services.

And how do you use it?
We use various tools, including AI chatbots, automated knowledge bases, and systems that assist employees with suggestions, such as which questions to ask or what data is missing. These technologies help us make our service more personal and targeted.

Aligned with your broader strategy?
Exactly. Technology helps us work smarter and more efficiently, but it’s never the sole focus. Our strength lies in balancing technology with human contact where it adds the most value.

Congratulations on being recognized as a “Great Place to Work” in Turkey again!
Thank you! We’re very proud. In 2024, we were recognized in multiple categories in Turkey, including innovation, social responsibility, and NGO participation. This recognition emphasizes our commitment to a positive work environment and helps us attract and retain talent.

How are you looking toward 2025?
With confidence. While AI developments present challenges, we are excited about expanding in Suriname and planning a strategic acquisition in a completely new segment. This will surprise both our internal teams and the market positively.