May 27, 2024

UNASAT and ETB Support Solutions Join Forces: Paving the Way for a Brighter Future in Suriname

Collaboration between UNASAT and ETB Support Solutions: A Step Towards a Bright Future

On May 10, 2024, a significant step was taken to enhance higher education and career opportunities for students in Suriname. The University of Applied Sciences and Technology Suriname (UNASAT) and ETB Support Solutions Suriname signed a study agreement that not only supports the academic growth of students but also significantly improves their future career prospects.

Socially Responsible Collaboration

The agreement, signed by representatives from both institutions, confirms the intention of UNASAT and ETB Support Solutions to work together with a socially responsible goal. This collaboration aims to offer students not only the opportunity for a university education but also suitable employment after graduation. This partnership specifically focuses on creating jobs within ETB Support Solutions, with an emphasis on the call center industry.

Pathway to Employment and Career Development

Through this collaboration, UNASAT graduates have the opportunity to be recommended for a job at ETB Support Solutions. This provides students with a clear pathway to employment and career development in a growing sector. The call center industry, which plays an important role in the modern economy, offers diverse opportunities for personal and professional growth. Students can apply and further develop their skills in a dynamic and customer-focused environment.

Focus on Social Responsibility

One of the most notable aspects of this agreement is the focus on social responsibility. Both parties recognize the importance of providing opportunities to young talents in Suriname and contributing to the growth and development of the country. By supporting students in their academic and professional journeys, UNASAT and ETB Support Solutions contribute to a stronger and more resilient workforce.

Contributing to Talent Development and Economic Growth

The agreement highlights the shared vision of UNASAT and ETB Support Solutions to contribute to the growth and development of talent in Suriname. This partnership is an example of how educational institutions and companies can work together to bridge the gap between academic achievements and employment. It provides students with a clear path from study to career, supported by strong institutional cooperation.

A Milestone for Higher Education and Employment

The study agreement between UNASAT and ETB Support Solutions marks an important milestone in supporting higher education and employment in Suriname. By joining forces, these institutions enable students to achieve their academic ambitions and build a successful career. This collaboration is an inspiring example of how strategic partnerships can contribute to the sustainable development of talent and economic growth in the region.

Commitment to Positive Impact and Sustainable Development

With this agreement, a solid foundation is laid for future generations of students, who now have a clear and promising path ahead of them. UNASAT and ETB Support Solutions have shown their commitment to making a positive impact on both individuals and the broader community, ultimately contributing to a more prosperous and resilient Suriname.